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Dr. Shaun Lee

Dr. Shaun Lee
Dr. Shaun Lee is a compassionate and patient-focused dentist who has been providing quality dental care since 1996 after graduating from Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry. His journey toward becoming a dentist began at a young age when he realized the significance of dental health while receiving frequent treatments for his dental problems.

In addition to his degree, Dr. Lee holds a mastership at American Dental Implant Association and is also a proud member of the Global Dental Implant Association. His commitment to staying current with the latest dental advancements and techniques helps ensure that his patients receive the highest quality care.

Dr. Lee believes that the most rewarding part of being a dentist is the ability to provide immediate assistance to patients and improve their overall quality of life beyond just treating their dental issues. He takes pride in providing comprehensive dental care to her patients while creating a warm and welcoming environment that puts them at ease.
Fun facts
Outside of work, Dr. Lee considers himself a foodie. He enjoys traveling and golfing. Most of all, he loves living in his community, which is surrounded by breathtaking natural landscapes. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his family, taking advantage of the mountains, forests, and rivers that are right in his backyard. However, what truly makes her community special are the people.

Dr. Lee cherishes the friendships he has made in his community and is grateful to be able to raise his children in such a welcoming and supportive environment.
We are Proud Members of
American Dental Implant AssociationInternational Dental Implant Association

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